This blog is going to be a love story. It will have heroes, yarn, and villians, cat's who eat yarn, and romance, the stash. But above all it will be about one womans real life love affair with that most glorious of fiber addictions, yarn.
Friday, December 21, 2007
So happy to have a minute to blog
Can you believe its almost Yule!
And to start the Holiday season my daughter and her choir class got to sing for us. She's the curly headed one in the middle top row. They were very good. The orchestra was painful but the choirs rocked.
In my house we have a bunch of different Winter Holidays. My ex and my son James do Hanukkah, sometimes he takes the other kids out to his Mom's too. Then my husbands family does Christmas Day. My family has always done Christmas Eve and Yule. But this year... no Hanukkah because Great Grandma and Grandpa are both in the hospital, and I can't find Jamie's menorah. No Christmas day with my husband's family because of health issues with his Mom, see the above mention of hospitals again. And my husband is working Yule and Christmas Eve. Time for plan B.
We are doing Yule, without the Husband, on Saturday. Sad, but still, he never does ritual with us anyway.
My Mom works Christmas Eve and just found out that her daycare is closed, so we will have Quinn all day. Not a worry but all the prep needs to be done before hand. Chasing toddlers and doing last minute present wrapping don't mix. Pass the eggnog!
Christmas Day, which Husband does have off, we are going to my soon to be new home Shelley's. There we will play games like Munchkin Cthulu and Zombie Flux. We will eat and talk and see what happens if you mix the Stoner Flux deck with the Zombie Flux deck. We will also play Last Day On Earth and Haunted House 1, 2, 3 and 4, Illuminati and Empire Builder. Ok, so we're gamer geeks....
As for Yule knitting, some of the fabulous people on my list are getting Knitting Promissory Notes. This is basically a card and a box with yarn in it an a promise to make the knitted object in question. My Husband is getting a Hat Promise. Hat promises are also going to a couple of friends. My kids (who do read this blog) are getting surprise promises.
Quinn's sweater is still not finished. I sewed the sleeves on and found that despite measuring twice, and counting the exact number of stitches, twice, that I had arsed it up completely and had to rip out the whole sleeve and start again. I had to do this on one of her previous sweaters to. So the sleeves are still not sewn on and the whole thing is waiting for me to be less irritated at it.
Ryan's socks are, but the pic for them is at home.
I cast on for a new pair of gloves. I gave the last pair I knit to my Mom.
I'm making Deborah Newton's Twisted Stitch Gauntlet's out of Interweave Knits Holiday issue. These will be for me. If I ever get enough knitting time to finish them.
That's my holiday wish to every knitter.
May your days be filled with love and joy, and more time to Knit!
Monday, December 17, 2007
It's the Most Busiest Time of the Year... come on, you know the words
I've also been making ornaments and trying to finish UFO's to round out the Yule gifts. The sheep ornaments are to cute for words, and came out so well that later I'm going to put up a step-by-step tutorial.
Sheeps in Space. It's a sheepy constellation.
Baa, a whole sheepy galaxy.
Ok, so the light from the chandelier doesn't help a whole lot.
But aren't they cute with there little roving faces and their little roving tails and their wild arse colors.
I like me some Bright colors in the winter. For those of you unfamiliar with the great Pacific North West, especially the Puget Sound region, we don't actually get to see the sun for six months of the year. I doesn't rain the whole time, despite popular media myth, but it's overcast and gray. From October to April the Puget Sound is a big bowl of storm clouds, drizzle and fog. The only color we get out of nature is the green from the trees, if you can see them. It also gets dark at about 4:00 pm and doesn't get light until 8:00 am. I drive to work in the dark. I drive home in the dark. I combat this with bright screaming color.
And chocolate. And wool. And technocolor sheeps.
Tomorrow, or later today, the Saga of Quinn's Sweater...
Monday, December 3, 2007
I want to be Stephanie Pearl-McPhee when I grow up.
I, like many of you knitters out there, have taken to having poor helpless people hold my knitting to have their picture taken. We can mostly all blame this idea on Stephanie. But the cake must be taken by this fabulous knitter, Tracy, who got Barack Obama to hold her sock in progress for pictures. She has way more balls than I do.
Yarn Balls! I meant yarn balls. Really. :)
As for me, I'm back to teaching knitting at Michael's. As if I needed more to do with my Saturdays, but I figure teaching knitting is a public service. If everyone knew how to knit just imagine how much better the world would be. Everyone would be a lot warmer for one thing.
If every one in the world knew how to knit...
... no one would freeze to death because they did not have hats, scarves, sweaters, gloves, mittens or blankets.
... you could get yarn at your local stockists and there would be more yarn shops than 7-11's.
... no one would question your need for alpaca.
... no one would ever walk up to you and ask if that's knitting or crochet.
... no one would just assume that you could whip them out a sweater in a couple hours and that it was reasonable to offer you $20.00 for it.
... no one would be offended if you said 'could you wait until I finish this row' or 'just a second I'm counting stitches'.
... there would be knitting contests and knitting awards and more knitting shows on TV.
... you could get more yarn in more fibers in more colors.
... kids would pay attention to math in school and stop asking the teacher 'am I ever going to need to know this?'
... it would solve world hunger, improve the world economy, end illiteracy and promote world trade.
... there would be peace on earth and good will towards men because everybody would be to busy knitting to go out and kill each other. It would damage your needles and mess up your yarn, not to mention seriously cutting in to your knitting time.
So some day the world will be a better place because more people know how to knit. And I'm helping.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
...and then I got sick.
I love having a whole day dedicated to being with family and friends and eating a metric ton of turkey. Ok, maybe not quite that much turkey, but the bird was over 20lbs. We stuffed it with fresh cut oranges, onions, carrots and rosemary and thyme. It's a good thing I'm a beefy girl or I never would have gotten it in the oven by myself. It was a very tasty bird.
After the sleepy coma turkey induces I got a sinus infection, and an ear infection, and then my eardrums ruptured. Which just sucks. I didn't even get back to work until today.
So this is one of those "I'm not dead" posts. With no pictures, because I am humble, and can't find the cord for my camera... Tomorrow we will have more posts, with pictures.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Yes, you can plan a whole vacation around yarn!
My friend and adopted sister Shelley and I went on a pre-holiday yarn crawl. We generally do this twice a year and our favorite destination by far is Port Townsend.
Port Townsend, Washington is a picturesque little Victorian town on the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
We always stay at the Palace Hotel.
Port Townsend is a great get-away spot. In the off season the room rates are really low, the restaurants are open and not to crowded and the two yarn shops get in there winter wool. Did I mention the yarn shops are only a block apart. And just to make it even more tempting Port Townsend has fabulous restaurants.
The first place we invaded was Diva Yarns. The ladies there are always so happy to see us.
We shopped and then went to the adjoining bead store
and the store that sells trim. There was a lot of shopping going on.
The fabulous lady at Diva even held up my traveling scarf.
Then she made me hold it up and took my picture. Sneaky woman. Apparently , as I am a large woman, stuffing a lot of things in my pockets and then looking down makes me look like a pear with triple chins. Did I mention I'm not keen on having my picture taken.
After the shopping fest at Diva we took ourselves to lunch at the Fountain Cafe, another favorite place. One of the best things about them is the total lack of a deep fat fryer in the kitchen. They have great soups, great salads, and incredible grilled sandwiches. Try the turkey rueben.
Then we went to the Twisted Ewe, and got more yarn.
And candles.
This is Shelley going 'why are you taking my picture, monkey?' She learned that look from my cats.
The very nice lady at the shop did not hold the traveling scarf for me.
But I got lots of pictures any way.
I love yarn shops.
After an amazing dinner at Fins and some much deserved rest, to sleep off the amazing dinner, we set out the next day for Bainbridge Island and Churchmouse Yarn and Tea....
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
Merry Samhain!
Here's a bunch of cat pictures. Sorry no knitting content today.
Why do cats like to sleep in the sink?
Kitten in the kitchen. Isn't she to cute.
This is Crystal. My beautiful hairy white menace. She's gone. I lost her. She hasn't been home in 10 days. I'm hoping one of our neighbors took her in and loves her as much as I do. I like to think that she is safe and warm and happy and not part of some coyote's digestive system.
OK not a lot of knitting content.
I have to finish Ryan's socks by tomorrow so she can take them to Fall Encampment this weekend. This is the second sock! It's not as bad as it looks, I just need to do the toe.
I still need to block my shawl and I need to finish Quinn's sweater before her next growth spurt so she can wear it for more than two minutes. Girl grows way to fast. At least I finished the back, now I need sleeves.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
What was I thinking
Warning: this will be a very long post, and it will have many pictures. Go get some coffee.
This is my baby sister Quinn. She is to darn cute for words.
This is the blanket that I made for my Mom for her last birthday. It's hard to tell but that is actually a big mitered square blanket done in an ombre dyed boucle. It's also very soft. You can tell how much Quinn appreciates it.
In other news.
I don't think I'm going to dye it after all. It's just to pretty.
I'm still working on the back but it is the serious boring knitting only good for standing in lines or watching tv, all garter stitch to the neck.
This is her snuggled up in between my knee and Sentry's butt.
There is lots more to tell but I have to get back to work.... My lunch is over, that's always so sad.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Picture Day (Catching Up)
So here are a few pics from the last 2 weeks or so to prove to you, me and everybody that knitting has in fact occurred. And there are some cute cat pictures too.
Here's the finished top section of the Icelandic Lace Shawl.
Here's Pixel being totally unconcerned that he is interfering with my picture.
Some goodies I took up to my Mom. That yellow thing in the middle is actually a very cute baby sweater that I wrote the pattern for myself. I'll get pictures of Quinn actually in it soon. Hopefully before she grows out of it.
Here's some sock progress. Yes, I know they are not identicle socks. But I really like how self striping yarns make fabulous fraternal, twin socks.
And last for this morning, my fierce new knitting bag. Which I'm using as a purse, because mostly what goes in my purse is knitting anyway.
It's suade. I love to just pet it.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Gainful Employment Interferes With Knitters Ability To Blog!
This is just a quick post to try and catch up and ease my guilt for not having posted in, gasp, two weeks. More than two weeks actually, but I'm trying not to think about it. Some day I will be like my blogging idol Stephanie Pearl-Mcfee and post almost every day. But today is not that day.
I have been so busy. Work went from part-time to full time. My husband switched from graveyard to day shift. School started. But knitting has occurred. I'm to the heal turn on the second sock I was working on at the baseball game. I'm very nearly done with the Iceland Lace shawl. I'm having such a good time with lace knitting that I even bought Victorian Lace Today by Jane Sowerby.
I even took pictures of all my projects and everything. And next time I bring my camera to work to post before work starts I'll remember to bring the darn cable to plug the darn camera in too..... Argh.
Work officially starts in 3 minutes so as I said, just a quick post....
Saturday, September 1, 2007
How much sock can you knit in a baseball game?
If you want to get all technical it's 4 1/2 " using Opal sock yarn on size 1 double points. The pink and purple and blue in this color way is very pretty, but the orangey brown and black stripe mixed in to the colorway begs a question. What the hell were they thinking?
I've been avoiding this preticular sock for this very reason. I finished the first one in June. It is not second sock sindrome at work here. I have never before hessitated at making a second sock. The pattern is very nice, it's a plain 1 by 1 rib for an inch at the top and a 1 by 3 rib the rest of the way. I just can't stand the colorway. And size 1 needles take longer than size 2.
In my real life, yes I have one, I've been busy at work and haven't had a lot of time for knitting. I always get quite sad when I don't have time to knit. It makes me want to go and buy yarn, um, more yarn. So I did. Yesterday I popped in Michael's and picked up some of the new self-striping Sugar and Cream, and Paton's has some new colors of SWS. So I got some of that too.
Funny how yarn just jumps out at you when you haven't had enough time to spend with it. And all I really needed were some clasps to fix a bracelet. I got those too.
In other news the shawl is coming along fine. I've finished the first ball of yarn and I was going to do a big 'I Finished the First Ball' post. But I was working and got busy and couldn't stop knitting on it so finishing the first 437 yards became a non-event. Bad me, these things should be celebrated.
It's hard to see in the picture but the center bit of lace is shaping up nicely. Now that I've knit on it a while I'm getting to like it. I'll never use this pattern again but it looks pretty cool now that I'm knitting more than 2 rows an hour. Funny how when the work goes faster the patterns starts being less irritating.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Knitting With Cats
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
A sneak peek at the Stash
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Lace knitting: the Shawl Saga
As you can see, around the cat, I have been working on my shawl. I've progressed to the last panel of lace that forms the center of the triangle. It sits right around the top of the shoulders and the base of the neck.
I'm not sure I like it. The lace is formed by an alternating K3tog (knit 3 together), k1 p1 k1 into the next stitch, row and plain knit rows. Because of the decreases you end up knitting the 3 (k1 p1 k1) stitches on the next pass. The resulting lace looks a bit like moss stitch with holes in it. It does not lay flat, because it's kinda fancy garter stitch.
It's not an amazingly difficult pattern, it's just time consuming. The K3tog's are touchy and you have to be really careful to not lose a stitch or split the yarn or only knit 2 out of 3. (Of course some of this is my fault for knitting super slippery alpaca lace weight yarn on super slippery Addi Turbo's. But i will over look that.)
I just don't know if I like the look of it. It looks OK in the magazine picture, but is somewhat distorted by the drape of the garment. So I'm left with questions. How will it look in real life once it's knitted up? How will it look once it's blocked? If it's ugly will my hair be long enough to cover it? Well, probably, my hair goes past my waist. Will it look good enough to not need long hair?
And most importantly, can I keep my cat off it long enough to even answer these and other facinating questions?
(Que dramatic music.)